Alas Purwo ("alas" means forest or jungle, and "purwo" means the first or the beginning of everything), another name given to the Blambangan Peninsula. It is 42,000 hectare square. In former times the region was covered in mixed monsoon forest, but recently extensive teak plantations have begun to encroach on the landward side. A comparatively dry climate has made the area an ideal location for production of the wood. Climbing a strategically placed observation tower, you will have a perfect view of the area, which is a popular feeding ground for the animals in the mornings and late afternoons. Aside from a large number of bulls, you can see deers, pigs and a few peacocks. The existence of peacocks indicates that there are no tigers in the vicinity. The bulls usually keep their distance and at first it seemed that photographing is going to be a problem. However, it is suggested that one of you venture out into the open with a guide and attempt to approach the animals. Climbing over the boundary fence, you will cautiously and some what nervously head towards a large bull, which appeares to be grazing peacefully. You can approach them confidently with arms held high to resemble horns, a not entirely convincing disguise. If the bull suddenly lifts its head and looks straight at you, it means you have gone far enough. It is reachable by many kinds of vehicles about 76 km away from Banyuwangi.
The Baluran National Park is a natural preservation, located on the Eastern tip of Java. Administratively, this area belongs to Situbondo Regency, East Java. From a technical aspect, the Baluran National Park is managed by the Directorate of National Parks, and Tourist Forestry, of the Department of Forestry.
At the moment, the Baluran National National Park occupies 27,868 hectares, comprising of 23,713 hectares of land, and 4,155 hectares of sea. Compared to other conservation areas on Java, Baluran is the only area that has natural savana deserts. These occupy some 10,000 hectares, or about 40% of the total area. Besides that, the Baluran National Park has the most complete forest ecosystem, i.e. savana deserts, beach forests, seasonal forests, mountain forests, forests that stay green all year long, and mangrove forests. The focus of interest of this tourist area is Mount Baluran, which is now non-active. The walls of fits crater are between 900 to 1,247 metres high, bordering off the caldera that's 600 metres deep.
How to reach Baluran:
Surabaya - Banyuwangi (288 km) : bus
Situbondo - Baluran (60 km) : bus/minibus
Surabaya - Banyuwangi (288 km) : bus/train
Banyuwangi - Baluran (35 km) : bus/minibus
Banyuwangi - Batangan (35 km/ 60 minutes) : four-wheeled vehicles
Situbondo - Batangan (60 km/ 80 minutes) : four-wheeled vehicles
Batangan - Bekol (12 km/ 45 minutes) : four-wheeled vehicles
Bekol - Bama (3 km/ 15 minutes) : four-wheeled vehicles
Bama - Kajang (2 km/ 15 minutes) : boat
Bama - Balanan (5 km/ 45 minutes) : boat
Bama - Lempuyang (10 km/ 120 minutes) : boat
Bama - Bilik (16 km/ 180 minutes) : boat
Karang Tekok - Gatel (3 km/ 15 minutes) : four-wheeled vehicles
Gatel - Bilik (12 km/ 45 minutes) : boat
Watching Wild Buffels | Blue Dadap | Bama Beach | Travel Tips |
Gandrung dance is a specific dance from Banyuwangi, and a classical dance as the remnant of the old Blambangan Kingdom. During the dance performance, audience are invited to dance together and lucky audience are those who get the scarf given by Gandrung dancers. Gandrung dance is picturing thanksgiving to Dewi Sri, the goddess of rice for rich harvest.

The Ijen Plateau lies in the centre of the Ijen-Merapi Maelang Reserve, which extends over much of the mountainous region directly west of Banyuwangi and borders on the Baluran National Park in the north east. As at Mt. Bromo , the caldera is best viewed from the air. Fortunately, almost all commercial flights operating between Denpasar - Surabaya, Yogyakarta or Jakarta usually fly, if not directly over, then close by Ijen plateau, where the seemingly luminous blue/green crater lake forms an unmistakable landmark. It is a beautiful scenery and located about 32 km to the north west of Banyuwangi.
The principal attraction at Ijen is the large, sulphureous crater lake which lies hidden between sheer walls of deeply furrowed rock at more than 200 meters. The Ijen crater itself lies at approximately 2,300 meters above sea level. It forms a twin volcano with the now extinct Mount Merapi. The enormous crater lake, which is 200 meters deep and covers an area of more than meters, a million square meters, contains about 36 million cubic meters of steaming, acid water.
Ijen crater shows a special type of volcanic feature common to Indonesia, about 1 kilometer in diameter and 175 meters deep. The floor is covered completely by a warm lake, milky blue green in colours held back by a dam built many years ago by the Dutch, in order to keep the hot, mineral laden water from raining the crop lands below.
The crater can be reached from either the east or the west by any kinds of vehicles, but the second part of the trip covers distance 3 km on foot (jungle track). However, the latter is more popular approach, since the climb from the road's end to the edge of the lake is only one and a half hours. And a walk around the lake takes a full day.
The temperature drops at night, near the crater rim it can fall to about 5° Celcius. The road ends at Jampit, where very basic shelter is available. It is also possible to sleep in the old vulcanology station further up the hill, now used by sulphur collectors, but permission must be obtained in advance.
The sulphur is transported entirely on foot. In the past, horses were used but they were found to be less practical on the hazardous terrain. Today, the mine yields nine to twelve tons of sulphur per day.
Individual loads of up to 70 kg are carried by men, often barefooted, up to the rim of crater and then 17 km down the mountainside to a factory near Banyuwangi. The porters are paid by weight. The most important advice if you are travelling to Ijen is: "If you lose your way, just look out for the sulphur trail". The meaning was clear, since a continuous flow of two way traffic,carrying the sulphur down the mountainside from the lake and trudging up again to re-load, had left a yellow trail on the well worn path. The best time for seeing Ijen Crater is at 8 to 9 am.
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How to reach Ijen Crater | |
Surabaya - Bondowoso | :by bus [191 km] |
Bondowoso - Sempol | :by bus [165 km] |
Sempol - Banyuapit | :by bus [14 km] |
Banyuapit - Paltuding | :by minibus, or car [4 km] |
Paltuding - Ijen Crater | :on foot [4 km] |
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Denpasar [Bali] - Banyuwangi | :by bus and ferry [140 km] |
Banyuwangi - Jambu | :by minibus [18 km] |
Jambu - Ijen Crater | :on foot [21 km] |
MERU BETIRI PRESERVATION corns at the end of 30 kilometers of pot-holed road that crossed a half dozen rivers and wound up through dense jungle and rubber plantation. It is 58,000 hectare and located about 97 km to the south of Banyuwangi. It was here, on the south eastern tip of the province, that the last of the Javanese tigers had sought refuge.
A hundred and fifty years ago Panther tigris sondaica covered most of Java Island and was even considered nuisance in some populated areas. But through the 1800s and early 1900s it was hunted mercilessly and its habitat was destroyed by plantation builders. By the beginning of the Second World War it survived only in the most remote mountains and forests and today, the last four of live line on the brink of extinction in a remote region near the southern coast.
The Indonesian Government and the world wild Life Fund have mounted a determined effort to save the tiger and his environment. And to do so, the authorities are even prepared to relocate a few thousand humans.
But Meru Betiri is not a simply tiger reserve, but also wild life of all kinds abounds, black panthers, leopards, wild pigs, deers, monkeys, several kinds of birds, even four species of turtles which often lay eggs in the night.
There are many fascinating attractions around Meru Betiri, such as: Rajegwesi beach, Green bay, and feeding ground grown over by vegetation as lushly tropical.
Plengkung, the pure white sand beach bordered on impenetrable jungle for as far as the eye could see, will give you the feeling of far from the civilized world. Plengkung is known as one of the best surfing beaches in the world, is said to be the paradise of the surfers because of its breathaking scenery and natural beauty. Plengkung usually call Surfer's Heaven, where surging challenges the big sound and famous rolling ocean wave which is 20 feet in height, 2 miles in length, and 5 minutes break in interval. The wave which is one of the best five in the world combine with beautiful sandy beach, cottages, tower and camping ground will be the best choice for a vacation. It is located about 88 km to the southern of Banyuwangi.
The only accommodation for miles around are the simple, elevated jungle huts used by the small community of surfers, who take advantage of the season which lasts from . Storms generated far out in the Indian Ocean give rise to perfect, kilometer long waves that reach four meters in height; every surfer's dream. The huts are equipped to accommodate about 20 people. You can spend the last hours of daylight exploring the beach and, as the tide receded, the exposed reef revealing rock pools filled with all manner of marine life. Soon you will find that you aren't the only one attracted and are soon joined by a flock of large sea birds, for which the reef is obviously a regular feeding ground. You, for sure will experience spectacular sunset over the bay.
Overland access to Plengkung is difficult and the normal route taken is via Grajagan from where visitors take the last stage of the journey by motorboat.
How to reach Plengkung:
Surabaya - Banyuwangi (288 km) : bus/train
Banyuwangi - Grajagan (52 km) : bus/minibus/car
Grajagan - Plengkung (25 km) : motorboat
Surabaya - Banyuwangi (288 km) : bus/train
Banyuwangi - Trianggulasi (76 km): bus/minibus/car
Trianggulasi - Plengkung (12 km) : walking
For Further information please contact PHPA, Jl. Ahmad Yani 108, Banyuwangi
Rawabayu is 32 km away southwest of Banyuwangi.
A holiday resort in the mountain is located on a highland surrounded by the forest giving a cool peacefull atmosphere. Long-long time ago the well known king of the Blambangan Kingdom Tawang Alun, built up a hermitage in achieving the direction from God how and where the palace should be built up. Reachable by any kind of vehicles
Rajegwesi beach lies on the edge of Meru Betiri National Park on East Java's south coast. Surf rolls into the large bay, which is surrounded by green forest covered hills and impressive rock formations. A fishing hamlet at one end of the beach is the only sign of human habitation; a true paradise.
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A wild life park for a special "safari" tour which is serviced by an observation tower, well situated to observe animals roaming the surrounding train by 15.00 p.m.
97 km from Banyuwangi
Situated on the south coast, Sukamade beach is the site where turtles appear between about 9 p.m. to midnight to lay eggs, which they bury under about half a meter of sand. The egg-laying is subject to seasons, and at times the beach can be awash with turtles, especially during the full moon. Beach guards collect the eggs shortly after they have been laid and rebury them elsewhere where they are safe from poachers and such animals as leopards. The eggs hatch in about two months after which the young turtles are tended in special tanks at Sukamade until they are strong enough to survive in the ocean. Today, more than 2,500 turtles have been tagged and recorded since the beach became a protected area in 1972. The huge creatures which struggle from the moonlight surf are not without problems, as predators on and off the shore will devour most of their eggs and offsprings, but at least they are spared the human poacher. If homosapiens does lurk in the shadows, it is only the curious. Sukamade is still very isolated. To get there requires a 4-wheel drive vehicle, and above all perseverence. Main access is through a 50 km stretch of extremely rough road, passing rubber, coffee, and cocoa plantations. As yet there are no bridges crossing the the rivers, which, though negotiable during the dry season, can become very difficult to cross during the rainy season. Despite the discomfort, however, the trip may be rewarding. Two full days are needed for the 2-way journey with an overnight stop in Sukamade where limited accommodafon is available
How to reach Sukamade:
Surabaya - Probolinggo (99 km) : bus/train
Probolinggo - Jember (99 km) : bus/train
Jember - Jajag (74 km) : bus/train
Jajag - Sukamade (62 km) : taxi
A conservation effort has been underway for some years at Sukamade Beach, where four types of sea turtle come regularly to nest. Stability of the turtle population has been helped by a careful system of tagging and monitoring, as well as the use of special hatcheries. Watching these giant creatures emerge from the surf and struggle-up the beach to lay their eggs on a moonlit night is a unique and unforgettable experience, and one which is certain to ensure Sukamade's ever growing popularity.
The fantastic island is composed and surrounded by white sand. Coral seems to blossom into garden with an amazing variety of forms and colours. Growing coral from reef acts as homes for whole communities of marine life i.e. thousand of beautiful marine, aquarium fish species are Amphiprion the Dacyllus, the red coloured Labrida and the Gorisygula, shellfish, sponges, crayfish and marine plants. Any activities whether snorkeling or deep diving with breathing equipment exploring a reef and marine life in the spectacular drop offs are also an excellent under water visibility or sun bathing, an unforgettable experience. Pulau Tabuhan is 23 km away from Banyuwangi with + 4 square hectares. Reachable by Benignly or public transport Banyuwangi Surabaya, stop at Kampe then by sailing boat or speed boat from Kampe beach.
The Watu Dodol Tourist Forest is a quite potential tourist destination in the Banyuwangi Regency of East Java. It is about 14 km from Banyuwangi. This tourist forest is located within the protected forest at block 66B, RPH Selogiri, BKPH Ketapang Ketapang, KPH of North Banyuwangi, at an altitude of 10 to 50 meters about the sea level. Administratively, it is governed as part of the Pasir Putih Village, of the Wongsorejo Sub-District, within the Banyuwangi Regency.
This place is very precious. The combinations of hill, forest and beach make the beautiful scenery. Its beauty is more completed by a giant stone with a plant stands up in the middle of highway to Surabaya. The romantic panorama provides a good place for jogging track, cross country as well as enjoying the beauty of Bali strait in distance.
To the east of this tourist forest, and bordering the beach, a large boulder is standing 3 to 4 meters tall. A tree trunk is proturding from the south side of the boulder. At a glance, it seems that the branches are growing out of the solid rocks. While the larger boulder itself appears to rest on some other rocks. This is the characteristic that marks the Watu Dodol Tourist Forest.
A few meters east of the boulder; there is a platform that resembles a place of worship. At certain days the floor of this platform will be full of flower offerings, even small change.
Across the road, in the west, there is a cement stairways that leads to the mountains. About 10 meters to the right of this footpath is an ancient grave. It is at this ancient grave that visitors often meditate.
The Majapahit Soldiers
According to the local people, and believed up till today, there are many stories that relate to the large boulder and the ancient grave. When Banyuwangi (in the past was called Blambangan), ruled by Minak Jinggo, was attacked by the Majapahit soldiers, many of the Blambangan soldiers fled, some to the north tracing the beaches along the Bali strait.
One of the Blambangan officers who ran off, was carrying supplies in the form of jadah (dodol in Javanese, a sweet sticky rice cake). Because he was so tired, the jadah or dodol was unintentionally left behind on the beach, after resting out on his way to safety. The story goes that a solid standing boulder was formed out of the dodol left by the soldier. Even when the Japanese government widened the road, they did not succeed in blasting the boulder. Even the ship chains used to tumble it over, broke off. Today, the boulder still appears strong, and is even preserved as a tourist destination.
From the ancient grave, if you keep on climbing to the left, you will arrive at a rocky mountain. You can see far out into the Bali Straits. That is why it would not be redundant if the Watu Dodol Tourist Forest is claimed as the ideal place to enjoy the beauty of the straits that lead to the Island of The Gods.
On this mountain there is an observation cave left by the Japanese Soldiers from World War II. It is said that from this cave the Japanese Soldiers could watch freely the traffic of foreign vessels coming in and out of the Bali Strait from the north. Now the cave is hidden by the mountain and is covered up by bushes. From this Japanese cave, if you continue to the south, after about 500 meters you will arrive ata athreeway intersection. If you keep left and descend, you will arrive at a resting place, equipped with a children's palyground and an umbrella shaped permanent building. For relaxation with the family this place does well. The air around is fresh and tha place shaded off by the dense ketapang (k.o. almond) and other trees. And in the south, a spacious parking area is available.
And that's not all. East of Watu Dodol there is an umbrella shaped building that houses the restrooms and lockers for those wanting to change and bathe in the Bali Straits.
Sea Shells
Open-air recreation can be done in many places, such as: in forests, mountains, lakes, beaches, or combination of them. Grajagan is one of the Banyuwangi beaches that shows the combination of the rolling ocean waves on one side and the dense forest on the other one. In this place, we will be able to see the beautiful panorama of the Grajagan fishing village. Because of that, there are many tourists visit this place. It is located about 52 km from Banyuwangi. Here, you can find an old cave which was restricted by Japanese soldiers. If you want to stay, there are also available cottage, cafe, and playing area for chlidren.
This recreation place is in the region of KPH South Banyuwangi, BKPH Curahjati. It is 314 ha located about 0-20 m from the sea level. It is included in Grajagan, Purwoharjo, Banyuwangi. Its topography is plain with small hills. Its temperature is 20-28 degree from November until May, and its climate is dry during June until September with average rainfall about 1, 300 mm/year.
A natural interesting object is a beautiful Indian Ocean completed with sand and ocean waves. Here, there are many traditional fishermen's boats at night. PETURON is a beach where fishermen bring down their fish. It is always crowded by people everyday. Here, tourists can go shopping fresh fish directly from the fishermen. From a shelter on top of the hill, there is a beautiful ocean view completed with beautiful hills which can also be seen from 3 caves made by the Japanese. Boats which are located along the beach bring a special fun. Here, we can go sailing and fishing along the beach to Pelungkung which is famous for the ski water and Alas Purwo Reservation. Besides, there are also other recreational places, such as: SUKAMADE, PANCER, ROWOBAYU which are located less than 65 km from this place or Bali island. Some ritual/cultural activities, like:
- Gandrung
- Seblang
- Hadrah
- Barong
- Jangger
- Suro-an
- Qiwa Ratri
This recreational place provides many facilities, such as: a gate with a special characteristic, a large parking area, guardhouses, a suspension bridge, public toilets, a motel with 10 rooms, a cafetaria, a playing ground for children, a paved road for about 1, 400 m, a footpath for about 1, 700 m, a Mosque, and electricities.
This recreational place is unique because this area is overgrown with:
- Teak (Tectona Grandis)
- Sonokeling (Dalbergia Latifolia)
- Fikus (Ficus Sop)
- Walikukun (Shoutenia Ofata)
- Lamtoro Gung (Leucocephala)
- Natural Silk-Cotton Tree (Bombax Mallabarica)
- Bamboo (Mabosa Sop)
- Ketangi, Bungur (Langerstrome Spesiosa)